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Julian Bermudez
Understanding Emotional Circuits: Pathways to Connection and Healing
Discover the seven core emotional circuits that shape human connection, survival, and well-being.
Julian Bermudez
Untangling Emotions: A Guide to Understanding and Soothing Your Inner World
Learning to identify, accept, understand, and soothe emotions is a crucial and fundamental step in healing.
Julian Bermudez
Parents and Children: Patterns, Needs, and New Ways Forward
With compassion and boundaries, heal relationships and create a new path for yourself and future generations.
Julian Bermudez
"I’m Not Good Enough": How Beliefs Develop as Adaptations to Pain
Finding the wisdom in self-beliefs of unworthiness.
Julian Bermudez
Wanting an Easy Fix or Immediate Results: Learning to Embrace Discomfort
Why do we crave quick fixes? Let's explore how embracing discomfort leads to lasting growth and healing.
Julian Bermudez
My Journey Healing Crohn’s Disease with Psychedelic Therapy
My personal story of working with and learning from Crohn's disease, and how I managed to become symptom free.
Julian Bermudez
Healing Pain from the Past
The pain from the past often shows up in the present. Here are some tools to heal the pain from the past and free yourself in the present.
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